

Introducing YAFIWG (Yet Another File Index Webpage Generator), a simple file index webpage generator designed for static webpage hosting services such as GitHub Pages and Cloudflare R2. This tool effortlessly creates an organized, user-friendly index of your files, making it easy to navigate and access content hosted on your site.



Can't convert beamer into Powerpoint? Losing format and font after using all kinds of conversion tools? Try beamer2ppt, a python script converting LaTeX beamer in .pdf file to .ppt / .pptx file, perfectly maintaining formulae and slides formatting.


CLI personal webpage

Tired of traditional graphic UX? Step into the realm of binary strings, where the CLI morphs into a digital canvas, echoing the rhythmic cadence of terminal commands! Embark on a journey where every command unlocks hidden treasures, revealing surprises that dance beneath the surface.


Gambler's Ruin

In this digital playground, the abstract dance of probabilities comes to life, showcasing the delicate balance of fortune and risk. Watch as the threads of fate weave through peaks and nadirs, where a stories, and simulations are told and used to reveal the hidden patterns of seeming randomness.



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